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Zoomies Retail 2023

Lead UX/UI Design · Prototyping & Design · Development Handoff

In 2023 I was hired by Zoomies Retail, a same-day CBD delivery service located in Austin, Texas. I was their first point of contact to help with UX design and research. Zoomies Retail was looking to expand to a larger audience with the end goal of creating an application for both web and mobile, that would be simple and intuitive to use.

Designing For Multiple Age Demographics

Zoomies was conducting all of its operations by phone and wanted to move their existing customers to an exclusively online platform. Zoomies’ long-term goal was to make this transition as seamless as possible for existing clientele, while also growing their business and expanding to new cities and states. 

More than half of Zoomies Retail clients were older and not as comfortable with technology, so it was important to management that the application be accessible to a wide variety of users.

User Interviews Informed Design

I conducted interviews with over 20 of Zoomies Retail existing clients. From this I developed two user personas, which I used to analyze potential avenues for opportunities and areas of frustration for this transition. 
Both types of users were primarily concerned with wait times when ordering from an online platform. Previously, when they spoke to someone on the phone they were able to confirm how long their delivery would take, so it was important that before and after placing an order users were given a precise timeframe in which they would receive their products.

The main challenge with the project was keeping the site as simple as possible while providing users with all the options required for an online ordering application. Using feedback from both the users and the client, I created a flow that incorporated all of users’ needs and pain points, while still maintaining all of the client’s requests.

Empathetic Design

I used all the information I gathered to move forward with designs for both a mobile and web application. After finding a look and feel that the Zoomies Retail management was happy with we moved forward with web development phase.

I hosted multiple rounds of virtual meetings with the web development team, working through Q&A’s and some minor pain points to get the final product working as needed. The biggest obstacle we faced was getting the mobile version of the application to feature all of the necessary information at a size that was legible for all users. We also needed the the delivery time estimate to always be visible, which took up a considerable amount of design real estate on mobile devices. We played with the idea of having a FAB display this estimate, but settled on a clickable tab that users could check in on at any point in the ordering experience.