︎ Maximilian Bode | Design ︎︎︎︎︎︎

THE DEUCE Season 3 (HBO)

I was the lead Graphic Artist for the third and final season of The Deuce (HBO). This season takes place in the 1980’s, which was the decade when VHS cassettes made their way into American homes. One of the biggest challenges I faced was creating over 150 original pornographic VHS covers and posters for store and convention sets. This task required the help of two additional Graphic Artists, who worked under me. It also required that I direct two photoshoots with ten-plus actors and various costume changes to use as photos for these covers.

I was also required to create many neon signs, dimensional signs, and other prop and set dec pieces.

THE DEUCE Season 2

I was first brought on as a Graphic Artist to help with eight episodes of The Deuce Season 2 (HBO). My first challenge was designing the large exterior awning for our principle set, and working with fabricators and construction to have it built and fully functioning. This exterior set required that I design signs, neons, and posters for other storefronts and restaurants.